Vice chair: Albert Lysko


   This was written in early 2015. More up to date information is available in and


The IEEE South Africa Section is proud to announce that Dr Albert Lysko is now the vice-chair of the section.

A summary of Dr Lysko's IEEE and related involvement is below.



Dr Albert Lysko

(Nominated for the position of “Vice Chair IEEE South Africa Section” by IEEE South Africa Communications and Signal Processing Joint Chapter Chair Professor Sunil (BT) Maharaj)


Brief bio:

Albert Lysko was born in 1974. He has a PhD in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. He has worked in industry and at universities, and is presently a Principal Researcher with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Dr Lysko has 2 patents and several patent applications, published over 50 research papers and popular articles as well as a book and 2 book chapters.


Reasons for wanting to be a Vice Chair of IEEE South Africa Section

Motivating a wider range of colleagues and students to participate in IEEE activities, work towards growing South Africa and the shared goals of IEEE

Initiating and providing support to activities igniting interest in IEEE professions

Sharing and transferring of knowledge and skills in IEEE activities and processes and identifying funding opportunities with/to volunteers and other stars of IEEE

Up-keeping the existing rich professional environments and enhancing them by ensuring a continuous exchange of ideas, and knowledge with local and international experts

Assisting and motivating greater activity in existing Chapters and establishing and promoting new Chapters

Ensuring a bright and steady visibility of South African science, engineering and social achievements to the international community, showing South Africa as a great place for science, research, engineering and development


Past and current roles in IEEE:

Senior member of IEEE since 2010

IEEE South Africa VTools coordinator in 2012

Chair of IEEE South Africa Joint AP/MTT/EMC Chapter in 2013 and 2014

Currently: Past Chair of IEEE South Africa Joint AP/MTT/EMC Chapter, and Vice-Chair for Antennas and Propagation of the same chapter

Member of the following IEEE Societies: Antennas and Propagation (AP), Communications (ComSoc), Signal Processing (SP), Broadcast (BT), Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), Green ICT Community, and IEEE Standards Association


Accomplishments as IEEE volunteer

Main organizer for 18 IEEE events and IEEE Distinguished Lecture tours since 2012; also co-organized or contributed to organizing 4 more IEEE events since 2011

From 2012, these comprised about 50% of the IEEE South Africa Joint AP/MTT/EMC Chapter and about 35% of the IEEE South Africa Joint ComSoc/SP Chapter Activities

Main organizer for visits by IEEE Distinguished Lecturers Professors Maci, Gurel, Kwok, Papadias and co-organizer for the IEEE Distinguished Lecturers Professor Pal

Co-organized 2014 conference of IEEE South Africa Joint AP/MTT/EMC Chapter

Very successful national conference featuring five plenary talks and 37 technical presentations, and attracting 93 registered delegates

Contributed to quality and content for the South African IEEE web site

This included co-working on improving the Continuous Professional Development (CPD), AP/MTT/EMC Chapter space, and visitor hosting sections

Since 2012, I raised over R100K of various funds in support of the events

from the Department of Science and Technology, CSIR, Electromagnetic Software and Systems (Pty) Ltd, EU COST Action IC1102 VISTA, and others

Successfully nominated several people for Senior membership in IEEE

Ensured growth of IEEE membership at CSIR Meraka Institute


Other IEEE related activities and accomplishments

Participation in the IEEE Admission & Advancement (A&A) Committee work

Main organizer for a special session in IEEE R8 Africon 2011

This was the first in Africa research forum on "Cognitive Radios, Dynamic Spectrum Management and ... Digital Dividend", organized as a special session in the conference Africon'11 held in in Livingstone, Zambia in Sep 13-15, 2013

The session resulted in 12 quality presentations with over 25 attendees

Two of these papers received "best paper" awards, i.e. got 2 out of the 5 conference awards

Reviewer for IEEE Journals (IEEE TAP, IEEE Letters on Comm.) and numerous conferences

Contributed to IEEE Standard 145 (published in 2013), and am member of IEEE P1600.6a working group

Active and well-linked locally and internationally (e.g. 479 connections on LinkedIn, of whom the majority I have interacted with face to face; normally within top 10% to top 25% of most viewed profiles among connections)


A brief CV with further information may be found at LinkedIn pages

Last updated: 2016. Updated summary is available here: 

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